Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fortunato Depero

A futurist poster done by Depero. The form is apparently supposed to be a dynamic body. What I find interesting about this piece of work is that the body reminds me of a bunch of cans brought together to make a sort of robot or puppet. I also like the use of color. It's very interesting how warm colors were used when the subject in question looks more so like it would be metallic. Therefore, one would think cold colors would work better in this situation.

Regardless, it seems to give off a feeling of power, but it also worries me a little since I can't help but feel like this is a close representation of a nazi soldier due to the color. This is mainly due to the background. If I recall correctly, this was the sort of red they used in nazi propaganda posters. There's also the fact that it has a somewhat ominous shadow on the ground behind it.

1 comment:

  1. interesting reaction to the color. With their love for power and technology, red does seem to be somewhat of an odd choice. but it does draw you in!
